Hey Readers! There has been a large controversy on Kindles vs Nooks. They are both great devices, but with both of us being Kindle owners, of course we have to side with Kindle. Although we agree that the Nook is a wonderful gadget, and we love Barnes and Noble, We just think the Kindle is best for reading. It is awesome because it has a no glare screen, month-long battery power, and is easy to use. you literally have every book in the universe at your fingertips. Thanks for Reading!
Book Couture
P.S. You can buy a kindle at amazon.com, and look for more reviews, and opinions on YouTube.
Book Couture
P.S. You can buy a kindle at amazon.com, and look for more reviews, and opinions on YouTube.
I just saw that Kindle is coming out with a new color version, Kindle Fire on November 19. It will be $199 - $50 cheaper than the Nook Color. Can't wait to check it out!