Peyton: Falling into fall
It's September finally! Which means it is officially fall, even though it doesn't feel like it here in Texas. A couple great things about fall: pumpkin...everything, Halloween, and ATBF! For ya'll who don't know what ATBF is, it's a teen book festival held at the Austin Convention Center! Teen Authors come and you visit different panels based on book genre to hear them talk about their books. There is also food and you can buy books and get them signed! Emma and I will be there interviewing different authors and hanging out. For more info go to the Austin Teen Book Festival Website. Hope to see you September 28th!
Emma: Revenge
I have a confession to make.... I am obsessed with netflix. it is not a healthy addiction, either. So many shows at my finger tips! My latest favorite show is Revenge. It has me hanging at every episode! I find myself hiding out in my bedroom watching hours and hours of it when I should be doing other things, like cleaning my bedroom. I have completed season 1 and about to start season 2. Can't wait!! Have any of y'all watched the show? Any recommendations? Comment below!
Keep Reading!
Emma: The London Olympics 2012!
Who is excited for the summer olympics? I know I am! My favorite events to watch are women's gymnastics, diving, swimming, synchronized diving, and men's gymnastics. The olympics are something I am always looking forward to, and I always love to watch all of the athletes! There is nothing like sitting on the couch with the whole family and rooting on team USA to win some olympic medals! So what about you? What are your favorite summer olympic sports to watch? What have you thought of the London Olympics so far? Leave a comment below! Go team USA!
Emma: The Amazing Spiderman!
Oh my gosh guys! I just got back from the movie theater, where I saw The Amazing Spiderman, and let me just tell you, it really was amazing! They definitely got that right! Of course it is packed with action, and has every bit of romance with Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield) and Gwen Stacy (Emma Stone), so y'all know I'm satisfied! I cried three times in the movie, but I always cry during movies! It really was a phenomenal film, I give a round of applause to the great actors/actresses! This movie gets 5 stars all around!! Did you see The Amazing Spiderman? If so, what are your thoughts? Comment Below!
Emma: Update and Recommendations!
Hey Everyone! I hope everyone is having a fun filled summer! It is extremely hot hot hot here in Texas! I have found myself either laying in the AC or swimming in the pool! What have y'all been up to this summer break? Leave a comment below! I also have a question for you guys... I am currently reading/finishing the eighth Pretty Little Liars novel and I wanted to know if anyone had any more good summer reading material that you really enjoyed. You know I love my romance, and I am really feeling in the need of a quick, fun, lounging-by-the-pool type of read! Leave your recommendations below!
Emma: Summer Come Faster!
Can y'all believe it's almost summer!? I can't! I am really looking forward to the warm weather, shorts, and vacation! Peyton and I have definitely gotten a bad case of "8th grade-itis" summer come faster!! Its almost time for me to head off for Martha's Vineyard, which I have been waiting for all year! I can't wait to feel the sand between my toes as a slip into my latest read. So what are y'all doing for summer? Comment below!
Peyton: The Hunger Games...The Movie
Well, I saw the movie yesterday and it was AMAZING!!! I loved the cast choices and everything about it except the cornucopia. It should have been gold and more like a cornucopia. I pictured the whole arena a little different actually. Even though the movie left out some details it was still great! But, like always, the book surpasses the movie! I went to a Hunger Games party at my school where we took some pictures so, I will post those when I get them. I dresses up like Katniss! Here is the cast!
From left to right: Clove, Marvel, Fox Face, Thresh, Glimmer, Cato, Rue, Peeta, Katniss, Gale.

Team Peeta or Gale??!!
Emma: The Lying Game
Long time no talk! Sorry it's been so long! Peyton and I have been super busy! We are so excited because we have a really good author interview coming up, so look out for it! One of my latest obsessions has been one of ABC Family's newest show's, The Lying Game, which is also a bestselling series by Sara Shepard. Peyton and I have both read the first two Lying Game books, and the third one just came out! I can't wait to read it! The show is getting so intense too! I think one of the best things about the show and the books is that the show goes in a completely different direction than the book! This makes it easy to read and watch at the same time! And the very best thing is.... The Lying Game is filmed right here in Austin, Texas!! How cool is that?
The Lying Game Cast
Peyton: Charlotte's Web
Greetings y'all! Okay, so great news! I don't know if y'all remember my earlier life post about our school play but, we had auditions and.....drum-roll please.......I'm Fern and Emma is the Horse!!! So, that should be so fun and something to look forward to! :D Congrats Emma!
Emma: Texas Weather=Undecided
Hey Everyone! So this morning I woke up and realized it was freezing outside where yesterday it was sunny and 75 degrees. What is up with the weather? Well, that's Texas for ya! I am just so sad that it is not a very cold winter and even some of the coldest places aren't even getting any snow. I am supposed to go skiing over spring break in Lake Tahoe, so let's keep our fingers crossed for that snow!!
Hey Readers! I had a pretty relaxing day today, which is a lot to be said. I got up and finished my weekend homework around 11:30 and once that was finished, I decided to go enjoy the great outdoors so I got my latest read, "The Haunted" and headed towards our back porch, soda in hand. Soon, time flew by and before I knew it, it was already 4:00 and I had finished my book and gotten a cramp from sitting in the same position for too long. After a brief talk with Peyton, we agreed to skype at 5:00. Since I had some time to kill, I decided to paint my nails. I wanted a fun color, so I decided on my favorite spring polish, Essie's Turquoise and Caicos. After adding some extra sparkle to my ring fingers with some silver glitter, it was time to skype! After our meeting discussing all things book couture, it was time to sign off. A delicious dinner of cheeseburgers followed and now I find myself at my desk, writing a life post. Well, I better be going, considering the fact that tomorrow starts a new week of school. Ugh, just the thought of it makes me miss winter break. Could spring break come any sooner?
Peyton: The Potter Games
Hola Readers!
I want to tell y'all about the most amazing thing ever!! Okay, how many of y'all like Harry Potter? Now, how many of y'all like the Hunger Games? If you type in the Potter Games in the Google side bar you are now looking at the best website ever. This website in basically the Hunger Games but, with Harry Potter characters. This website is a "choose your own adventure type game" and you can choose your tribute. So far I've been Ginny,Draco,Katie Bell, and am in the middle of being Victor Krum.There is also a link where you can start a rebellion against you know who! This is so fun and sorry parents if I just got your child stuck on the computer forever! Check it out. I know you'll love it!
Emma: Shopping and Book Update
Hey Readers!
I just got back from the mall and let me just say, my closet is happy but my wallet isn't! Between mountains of books surrounding my desk and the end of winter break soon approaching, a shopping trip was just what I needed.
I am currently reading four books. I know, I know, you're all saying, "Emma! Get a grip! Pick one book and move on!". But honestly, I just can't decide! I have just started The Haunted, the second book in The Hollow trilogy, and let me just say it is pretty good! Even though I am only on page 47 and haven't gotten my taste of romance yet, I'm sure I will get my share. I am also reading The Lying Game. I'm trying to catch up to Peyton (who has already read the first two) and I am somewhere in the middle of that. My other current read is Dash and Lily's Book of Dares which honestly, I am having a hard time getting into. And last but not least, I am reading Unbelievable (the fourth Pretty Little Liars book) and I absolutely love that book which probably explains why I am the farthest in it.
After some quick calculating, I realize that is around 1,367 pages to read!
I better get started!
Emma: White Chocolate Peppermint Mocha
Hey Everyone!
This is going to be a real quick post, but I had to let y'all know about a new discovery I just made. So, after school today I was freezing cold and I was craving a hot coffee. After begging my dad to take me to get something, I was rewarded with a trip to Starbucks. Once I got there, I saw that they had come out with all of their holiday drinks. I looked up at the menu and what did I see? White Chocolate Peppermint Mocha. Yep, thats right. You heard me! I ordered it at once and let me just tell y'all it was like taking a sip from heaven above. Now I am sitting here with a burnt tongue from drinking it too much when it was still extremely hot, but it was most definitely worth it. So I have to go now because, once again, I have abandoned my homework to write to y'all plus, this week is finals so I better get crackin'!
P.S.- Whose excited for Winter Break? And for those of you already off, I'm so JEALOUS!!
Emma: Nutcracker and Winter
Hey Everyone!
Right now, I should probably be studying for an american history quiz, or reviewing a study guide, or getting ready for bed, but I decided to blog instead. This weekend was so busy! I am in Ballet Austin's production of The Nutcracker for the 6th year in a row and I play the role of a chinese dancer. I absolutely love participating in the ballet every year in it is always a sign that Christmas is on it's way!
Speaking of Christmas, I cannot wait for winter break! I know we just had a few days off for Thanksgiving but I mean com'on! That was only 3 days! I need a real long break from my school blues.
I am almost finished with The Hollow! It is such an amazing book! I won't tell you too much about it though, because it would ruin an upcoming review for ya'll!
I better sign off before I give too much away!
Peyton: Christmas And Random Things
Hi guys! Happy December! Whats Chill'n? (Get it? Because it's cold outside!) Okay sorry for my lame joke.Anyway, lets move on! I really like to make lists so I'm going to make a list of new things I want to tell ya'll about!
1. Our school play is Charlotte's Web! I'm rereading the book and have decided to thy out for Fern, the little girl.So, fingers crossed!!!
2. Are you guys asking for any books for Christmas? If so comment and let me know! I'm still reading the trilogy Emma talked about earlier. I'm on book two. Also, sorry we are remodeling our blog so we have no new reviews up but get ready for Anna and The French Kissreview!! Big thanks to our friend Meredith, who made us an awesome banner! But, we are having down sizing it so as you see, it says "The Book"!
3. It's Almost Christmas! Ahhhhhhh!!! I love Christmas so much because you get to show those you love how much you appreciate them and the weather is colder so you can wear those cute winter boots!
I'm actually currently making a candle right now so I must go check on it! Bye!
Emma: Breaking Dawn and The Hollow
It's just one of those relaxation days. I was just about to crack open my new book, but then I decided to do a life post. It's the end of Thanksgiving break and I slept over at Peyton's house last night because we went to see Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 1. And let me just say if I could describe it in one word it would be DRAMATIC. It was really good but I think we both agreed that it was basically a 45 minute-to an hour long movie stretched out into almost 2 hours. I mean I can see why they put it onto two parts: to make more money and make it full of suspense but I think it would've been easier to just do one movie. But my opinion may be based on the fact that I literally cannot wait to see part 2. Anyway, once we got back Peyton introduced me to this trilogy that she had been reading non-stop over our break. It is called The Hollow. The first book is basically about a girl named Abigail who's best friend Kristen has vanished near the town cemetery. Abbey now just has to accept her friend is dead. At the funeral, Abbey meets the gorgeous Caspian that she has never seen before. Together, they try to uncover Kristen's mystery that she left behind for them to solve. So it's your typical Romance/Mystery/Realistic Fiction Novel. It seems really good so far, but I am only on page 19, so we'll see! Alright, I have to go but I'll talk to y'all later!
P.S.- Be on the look out for another Book Review!!