Saturday, September 28, 2013

I Made You A Mixtape- ATBF

I Made You a Mixtape (Panel): Sharah Dessen, Lauren Myracel, Sara Farizan, Trish Doller, Leilah Howland, Julie Murphy 

(Answers are shortened and modified seeing as its really hard to listen and type everything!!) 

What do you do to create the perfect mood to write?
SD: I can't listen to music when I'm writing, but I do have songs in mind when I'm writing. I actually got the name Emaline (from the moon and more) from a song.

LH: For the sequel to Nantucket Blue I listened to lots of Taylor Swift! 

Do you identify with setting, plot, or character the most? 
LH: For me it was the setting!

SD: Always with the character. Well the character's name! I reread what ever I wrote the last day and just build on that. But different things work for different people, lots of trial and error when it comes to writing. 

TD: Character. I talk about my characters to my family all the time. My daughter says the character Travis is like a part of our family because I talk about him so much. Like its a little creepy when people talk about Travis being cute. I mean he's like my son!

What are your favorite banned books? And have your book been banned or challenged?
SF: Mine probably will be! I mean I understand why and how books get banned, but I hope if it helps a person or family or parent, that's enough

SD: I have had my books banned. Just Listen has been challenged. I understand why books are banned, but I think some of the books that are banned are the ones that teens learn from the most.

LM: I have TONS of banned books! I respects others opinions, but having my books banned does make me sad. Some people think I target and make fun of the youth. But I try not to let others thoughts and opinions get to me! 

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